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Showing posts from January, 2020

❤#BBA #Department Of #govtmurraycollege #sialkot . . . . . . . . . . #aneeqpasruriclicks #artist #art #click #photography #photoshoot #building #murraycollegesialkot #sialkotcity #pasruri #streetphotography #selfmade #aneeqpasruri_pg #AneeqPasruri #mood #history

February 01, 2020 at 01:40AM

#Finally 😊😎👊 . . . . . . . #loser #editing #click #AneeqPasruri #lovely #mood #best #punjab #pasrur #pasruri #Lahore #motivated #lahori #filters #edits

January 19, 2020 at 08:40PM

Beard Special Picture of Friday Afternoon.. . . . . . . . . . . #selfie #AneeqPasruri #filters #Friday #pasruri #Gujranwala

January 18, 2020 at 12:20AM

Anybody Genius who can Solve this Bucket Puzzle..🤗🤓 you must only use these buckets to pour 4 kg in Drum 2 and 4 kg in Drum 1 . Don't use any other utensils/vessels. . . You can only use these 3 buckets to pour water 4 kg in Drum 1 and 4 kg in Drum 2. . . . . . . . . . #math #solve #puzzles #puzzle #problem #problems #genius #riddles #riddle #question #ifyougenius #SolveIt #record #mathematics #mathematician #mathematicians #mathmemes #mathteacher #mathisfun #difficult #impossible

January 17, 2020 at 12:28PM